
January 27, 2020

How different shoes causes different problems.

It’s not true, everything that look good is actually good. Many a times things that look good proves really bad on your health and one of the most common examples of that is footwear more precisely wrong footwear. Foot doctors call bad footwear especially high heels, as shoe icide (shoes that look good but kills your foot). As there are wide range of options available for footwear, there also are tremendous problems coming with wrong footwear. Following are the general problems associated with wrong footwear. HighHeels High Heels carry the potential to damage your feet on an extreme level, the pressure your toes experience being pressed forward can lead to everything from ankle sprains to chronic pain in heels, knees, back and shoulders. Following are problems […]
January 27, 2020

Things to keep in mind, while buying shoes

Have the salesperson measure both of your feet while you’re standing up, because yourfeet expand under the weight of your body. You should always go for shoe shopping during late afternoon or early evening, as your feet can get swell in during this time. It’s always a probability that one of your feet is bigger than the another one, so in that case you should always buy your footwear according to the bigger feet. There should be half an inch space between the tip of the longest toe (generally the great toe) and the end of the shoe. You should also try the shoes with socks on to see if that fit you well. You should always go for shoes that carry lace, buckle, Velcro or […]
December 27, 2019

ACL Injury

Ligaments are strong bands of tissue that connect one bone to another. The ACL, one of two ligaments that cross in the middle of knee, connects your thigh bone to your shinbone and help stabilize your knee joint. ACL – one of the major ligaments in your knee. How can you know that it’s an ACL injury? So here we have mentioned ACL injury in depth which you can corelate with yours… One of the most common knee injuries is an ACL sprain or tear • Most common in athletes and sports player • Most ACL injuries happen during sports and fitness activities that can put stress on the knee. • Sudden slowing down and damaging direction • Pivoting with your foot firmly planed • Landing […]
December 27, 2019

Meniscus Tear

The meniscus is a piece of cartilage that provides a cushion between your femur and tibia. There are two menisci in each knee joint. They can be damaged on torn during activities that put pressure on or rotate the knee joint. There are many cause for that: 1. Traumatic Tear: –   During activities that cause direct contact a pressure from a forced twist or rotation. A sudden pivot turn, deep squatting or heavy lifting can lead to injury Many athletes are at risk for a meniscus tear. Sports that require sudden turns and stops may put you at higher risk for meniscus tear. Sports include:- Football Basketball Soccer Tennis 2. Degenerative Tear: –   Mainly older age
December 27, 2019

Chondromalacia Patellae

Chondromalacia patellae also known as “runner’s knee”, is a condition where the cartilage on the undersurface of the patella deteriorates and softens. This condition is common among young, athletic individuals, but may also occur in older adults who have arthritis of the knee. Who is at risk for chondromalacia patellae? Age: Adolescents and young are at high risk for this condition. Sex: Females are more likely than males Flat feet: Having flat feet may place more stress on the knee joints than having higher arches would. Previous injury: A prior injury to the kneecap, such as a dislocation, can increase your risk of developing runner’s knee. Having flat feet may place more stress on the knee joints than having higher arches would. High activity level: Having […]
December 27, 2019

Rotator Cuff Tendinitis

The shoulder is made up of bones, Upper Arm (Humerus), Shoulder Blade (Scapula) and Collar Bone (Clavicle). Arm Is kept in shoulder socket by rotator cuffs. These muscles & tendons form a covering around the head of upper arm bone and attached to shoulder blade. There is a lubricating sac called a bursa between the rotator cuff and the bone on top of shoulder (Acromion). The bursa allows the rotator cuff tendons to glide freely when during movement of the arm. The rotator cuff is a common source of pain in the shoulder. Pain can be the result of Tendinitis in which the rotator cuff tendons can be irritated or damaged. Pain can be due to Bursitis in which the bursa can become inflamed & swell […]
December 26, 2019

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is also known as adhesive capsulitis. In adhesive capsulitis, the shoulder joint capsule has adhesions and inflammation. Adhesions are fibrotic bands of scar tissue which joins the surfaces of two anatomic surfaces that limits the motion of the shoulder. This condition is more common in females and the prevalence is more command in diabetics and after the age of 40. There are several shoulder conditions that cause pain and reduce motion. The primary symptoms of the frozen shoulder are pain and stiffness. Pain may be worse at night and is provoked by laying on the affected shoulder. Normal activity like dressing answering the phone or working will become difficult. Primarily frozen shoulder occurs without an identifiable cause. Frozen shoulder may occur as a result […]
December 26, 2019

Tips for Shoulder Pain Relief

You reach into the backseat of your car and suddenly your shoulder twinges. Or maybe your it starts clicking during your weekly tennis game. Whatever the cause, you want pain relief. Our sports medicine experts share the common causes of shoulder pain and which treatments work best… Being flexible is terrific in yoga class, on the dance floor and when playing Nintendo Wii with your kids. But it’s a drawback when it comes to your shoulder. That’s because having very flexible joints, known as hypermobility, cause instability in the shoulder and increases risk of injury and pain, says Ralph Gambardella, M.D., orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist at Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic in Los Angeles. You’re also at risk if you sit behind a desk all day. […]
December 26, 2019

Conditions That Can Cause Knee Pain

The knee has many parts that can be damaged, there are many causes of knee pain. Learn about common injuries and conditions. Although it’s a fairly small part of the body, a lot can go wrong with your knee. Here’s an overview of just some of the conditions that commonly cause knee pain. Arthritis: One of the most common causes of knee pain that doctors see is arthritis, says Jonathan Shook, MD, an orthopedic surgeon in Indianapolis. There are several types of arthritis than can cause knee pain: Osteoarthritis causes the smooth, protective layers of cartilage in the knee to become worn, leading to damage in the bones in the knee. Rheumatoid arthritis affects the knee after the body’s immune system attacks a membrane within the joint, causing pain, inflammation, and damage […]